Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder...

but you may want to avert your eyes! heheh

Last month we challenged everyone to bring a piece of ugly fabric for a sort of White Elephant draw.  Everyone drew a piece and now the challenge for next month is to make something fabulous with that ugly ugly piece.

We had a vote, and this is the "winning" piece.  It was purpose bought so it had the advantage over others that were coming from stash.  Elizabeth still deserves honor for locating this piece.  The more I look at it the more I have to agree that it is...well, ugly.  As perhaps you may have guessed, I was indeed the one to draw the winner for my November project.

I jokingly said that I would make an article of clothing out of it and wear it in public even, but I realized that I really should do a quilting project.  But never fear, the ideas are already brewing.  Of course maybe they aren't good ideas (I mean, who designed this?!?  It is worse in person.) but they are brewing.  Check it out.  I even have a palette going....

I live in full expectation that EVERYONE will post the fabric they drew and what they make with it for this month.  (yeah, well....)

At any rate, good luck to us all and may the best competitor win.  (The prize is a lovely new pair of scissors that have never been handled by toddlers nor ever cut paper...or upholstery for that matter!) k.

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The Cursed Quilt Group actually meets in person, but we would love to have you quilt along in our online community. Please keep it friendly and supportive...many of us are beginners.