Monday, March 21, 2011


So we actually had a meeting, which is something for this time of year.  We decided that ALL who are in town (not just group members) should come to a Super Monday on the 11th of April (Spring Break for SAES etc) and have a grand sewing day for Humanitarian projects.  We will have a variety of sewing based activities and for people not so inclined, we will also need some vigilante adults to watch kids. heh

I think we will try to do School Bags, Play Dresses, some kind of easy quilt blocks and maybe pillowcases.  Any other suggestions?  People should plan to bring fabric (or a little cash to help.)  ALL projects require only straight stitching and will also have non-sewing aspects for those of you who are afraid of the terrible beast, your sewing machine!

More details forth-coming. k.

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The Cursed Quilt Group actually meets in person, but we would love to have you quilt along in our online community. Please keep it friendly and supportive...many of us are beginners.